to my Web Site in homage to the famous Argentinean politician Dr. Ricardo
Balbín. Deceased in 1981, let to the coming generations the
message that anything will survive in the Republic of the Argentineans
but it is conjugating the verb of union and solidarity.
Leader of the centennial Union Civica Radical, candidate to president,
speaker, model of patriotic and republican virtues. Here I offer him my
most sincere homage, with their speeches, their pictures, the testimony
of those that met him.
I want to take advantage of the opportunity to thank the invaluable help
of the Dr. Fernando De la Rua, Rafael Pascual, José Mellano and
Armando Balbín.
Thank you for your visit. It would please me to contact me with you through
my mail: matiasbailone@ucr.org.ar Matías Bailone
BALBÍN, commander that was born in humble cradle and died in the
humility. What bigger praise can it be made of a man that had within their
reach all the material goods? " Ernesto Sábato
Balbín (1904-1981) it will be a lasting archetype. Because
amid the political violence and of the economic ruin it never lowered
the arms. It was a great radical commander, a great architect of the possible
A man of the democracy. A strategist without time that never gave up their
company of republican restoration, to their obstinacy for the freedom,
to the union of the Argentineans, and to the defense of the institutions.
It suffered persecutions in all the authoritarian governments from the
Argentina, and he taught to all that can get lost a thousand elections,
but never to resign the principles. Days before the fatidical March 24
of 1976, Balbín made a call to the national reconciliation, requesting
to the army and the guerrilla that didn't use to the Republic like battle
We owe him the short democratic experiences that we had from 1930, for
that reason, Ricardo Rojas has said of Balbín what said of Sarmiento:
It was "an action man, with apostle's temperament and prophet's glimmers".
Don Ricardo Balbín went several times candidate to President of
the Republic Argentina for the Union Civic Radical: in 1951, 1958 and
1973. With Arturo Frondizi, Santiago Del Castillo, Eduardo Gamond, and
a young Fernando De la Rúa, as candidates to vice-presidents, respectively.
Lawyer, speaker, political honest, President of the radical bancada of
national deputies during the first two Peronist governments, it was imprisoned
by their ideas and to defend to the Republic, President of the National
Committee of the Union Civica Radical, refundador of the radical party
after Arturo Frondizi´s divison, alerted to the country of the dangers
of a civil war and of the dictatorship of 1976. He died in the poverty
and in the dignity of their honesty without limits in 1981. Krausista
and follower of the ethics of Alem and Hipólito Yrigoyen. Friend
and consultant of the President Arturo Umberto Illia. Man of the democracy
and of the republic, and eminent person of our political life. The president
that was never, and that we regret not to have had.
I want to take advantage of this occasion to thank the invaluable help
that I have received from the Dr. Fernando De la Rúa, of Rafael
Pascual, of Armando Balbin and their wife, and of the great radical historian
José Mellano.
are translating the whole content from the Web Site to English. Excuse
of the Constitution there is only place for the adventure and the uncertainty...
The remedy of our tragedy is only the full respect to the Constitution
that is the formal expression of the will of the people, it is the fundamental
agreement of the Argentineans, the synthesis of the coincidences and
the only foundation solid for a civilized coexistence... "
"A politician
is a citizen with vocation of good public that puts something of his time
and of his life to the service of the community in that he lives. And
he makes it for a political conviction that he is born from the philosophy
in that signs up, to which serves with loyalty." R. Balbin
country this knocked down, the man is knocked down in the Argentina. There
is in your country undressed men, children that eat every three days and
people that believes that the roof is the sky, in front of a wealth developed
without control. While you have - Argentinean boy - the possibility to
find the solidarity of your atmosphere, there is children that die in
the solitude, lifting a statistic of shame in the Argentina. ... This
is the Argentina, that of the wide pains and that of the stupid boastings...
"The radicalism has to return to its sources that were always
aided by what Yrigoyen defines as its moral idea. The party can change
its essence on the base of the frustration and the disappointments.
It became very strong the defense of its ideals, almost made a religious
sense. For it the radicals call each other coreligionists, participants
of a true religion that is the religion of the ethics, of the clean
politics, of the moral politics. The radicalism has those principles
like fundamental base "
2002, Villa Mercedes, Provincia de San Luis. República Argentina.
for the foreign visitors:
The Republic Argentina suffered a coup d'etat almost one year ago against
the constitutional government of Dr. Fernando De la Rua. That tragedy
arranged by the ferocious opposition 'Peronist' it introduced the Argentina
in the course of the international shame. In this road the republican
institutions have been harmed and mainly it has been offended the National
Constitution gravely. We request to God ('source of all reason and justice')
guides to our Homeland for the way to the legality and the progress.
Sie für die fremden Besucher:
Die Republik Argentinien erlitt einem Coup d'etat gegen die verfassungsmäßige
Regierung von Dr. Fernando De la Rua vor fast einem Jahr. Diese Tragödie
arrangierte durch die wilde Oppositionspartei 'Peronist', die es das
Argentinien in den Verlauf der internationalen Scham einführte.
In dieser Straße ist den republikanischen Institutionen geschadet
worden, und hauptsächlich ist es die Nationale Verfassung ernst
gekränkt worden. Wir bitten zu Gott ('Quelle von allem Grund und
der Gerechtigkeit') Führer zu unserem Heimatland für den Weg
zur Gesetzlichkeit und dem Fortschritt.
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